Categories: Containers, Java

Running my Factorization Java App in Docker

I want to evaluate the OpenJDK serial collector using a Java program I wrote to factorize natural numbers by trial division. This post is about how to set up the app to run in a Docker container on a Linux host. Since the host is a shared machine, I put all my work under ~/swesonga (my own custom home directory). The directory structure for the container will be under ~/swesonga/container/.

Set up the Factorization App

First, log into Linux machine and download the Java binaries to test:

ssh user@IPaddress
mkdir -p ~/swesonga/container/java/binaries/jdk/x64/
cd ~/swesonga/container/java/binaries/jdk/x64/

curl -Lo microsoft-jdk-21.0.5-linux-x64.tar.gz

tar xzf microsoft-jdk-21.0.5-linux-x64.tar.gz

Clone the factorize repo and set up its dependencies:

cd ~/swesonga/container/
git clone

cd ~/swesonga/container/java
curl -Lo commons-cli-1.9.0-bin.tar.gz
tar xzf commons-cli-1.9.0-bin.tar.gz

Compile the factorization app:

export CLASSPATH=~/swesonga/container/java/commons-cli-1.9.0/commons-cli-1.9.0.jar:.
export JAVA21_HOME=~/swesonga/container/java/binaries/jdk/x64/jdk-21.0.5+11

cd ~/swesonga/container/factorize/java/project/src/main/java/org/swesonga/math

$JAVA21_HOME/bin/javac -d .

Set up the Docker Environment

Create the Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile. See Dockerizing a Java Application | Baeldung and How To Dockerize Java Application (Step-by-Step Tutorial) for examples of how to do this. There are some OpenJDK images at Microsoft Artifact Registry (did I need to get my own JDK? maybe not but for now, I know where the JDK is and what is happening).

docker pull

Create the Dockerfile below, substituting the appropriate value for <user>.

COPY . /swesonga/
WORKDIR /swesonga/factorize/java/project/src/main/java/org/swesonga/math

ENTRYPOINT ["/swesonga/java/binaries/jdk/x64/jdk-21.0.5+11/bin/java", "-cp", "/swesonga/java/commons-cli-1.9.0/commons-cli-1.9.0.jar:.", "-Xint", "-XX:+UseSerialGC", "-XX:+UseCompressedOops", "-XX:HeapBaseMinAddress=0x120000000000", "-Xlog:gc*=debug,safepoint:file=serialgc-jdk21.log::filecount=0", "-Xlog:pagesize=trace:file=pagesize-jdk21.log::filecount=0", "-Xlog:os=trace:file=os-jdk21.log::filecount=0", "org.swesonga.math.Factorize", "-threads", "4", "-number", "7438880205542315091371423981777", "-systemGCFrequency", "1048576"]

If you create the Dockerfile on another machine, you can copy the Dockerfile to the Linux host using scp(1) – Linux manual page:

scp Dockerfile user@IPaddress:/home/<user>/swesonga/container/

Start Docker

Verify that docker is up by running docker version. I got this output:

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           23.0.1
 API version:       1.42
 Go version:        go1.19.5
 Git commit:        a5ee5b1
 Built:             Thu Feb  9 19:46:56 2023
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Run sudo systemctl start docker as described at Start the daemon | Docker Docs.

Build the Docker Image

See docker buildx build | Docker Docs for details on how to build. I only need the -t option to tag the image as swesonga-jdk21-testapp.

cd ~/swesonga/container/
docker build -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp .

Here is some sample output:

user@machine:~/swesonga/container$ docker build -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp .
[+] Building 7.9s (6/6) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                            0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 669B                                                                                            0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                 0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                        0.4s
 => [1/2] FROM  7.2s
 => => resolve  0.0s
 => => sha256:6414378b647780fee8fd903ddb9541d134a1947ce092d08bdeb23a54cb3684ac 29.54MB / 29.54MB                                0.5s
 => => sha256:ac27f5b44782db802c5876054378d16318ba6ab095203e15acc7527778c85370 178.15MB / 178.15MB                              2.3s
 => => sha256:d42e3adbad90b3214756070b3e98acd724228f7e8d08344d7044c0788a185b66 1.38kB / 1.38kB                                  0.2s
 => => sha256:98b6af6a403a01d476ee579340d624dfaac70409f50080e36eb6d86603f0ed8c 683B / 683B                                      0.0s
 => => sha256:ab80e68248a29dec58a531a5ff5a5bb873bb96fe829ac6b17f46c6f2a05cef63 899B / 899B                                      0.0s
 => => sha256:6d6be45eade816f5be7fc8935372e429b035dfee5f6e386dd7f87e6430228554 3.90kB / 3.90kB                                  0.0s
 => => extracting sha256:6414378b647780fee8fd903ddb9541d134a1947ce092d08bdeb23a54cb3684ac                                       1.3s
 => => extracting sha256:ac27f5b44782db802c5876054378d16318ba6ab095203e15acc7527778c85370                                       4.6s
 => => extracting sha256:d42e3adbad90b3214756070b3e98acd724228f7e8d08344d7044c0788a185b66                                       0.0s
 => [2/2] WORKDIR /home/<user>/swesonga/factorize/java/project/src/main/java/org/swesonga/math                                     0.2s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                          0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                         0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:4c068055cad5759153f3d3677404b9729b8ddee1c7026aa30e88b8c58c228037                                    0.0s
 => => naming to

Start the Docker Container

Before starting the container: docker ps | Docker Docs. Then docker run | Docker Docs.

docker ps
docker run -i -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp

Troubleshoot any Docker Errors

One error I ran into initially was that docker was unable to start the container process. I had missed the COPY command in the Dockerfile so the file couldn’t be found:

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker run -i -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "/home/<user>/swesonga/java/binaries/jdk/x64/jdk-21.0.5+11/bin/java": stat /home/<user>/swesonga/java/binaries/jdk/x64/jdk-21.0.5+11/bin/java: no such file or directory: unknown.
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container:

Fix the Dockerfile then docker build again. My ENTRYPOINT path still wasn’t correct so the same error appeared when re-running the application. I didn’t realize this though and thought that since I had changed the entrypoint, a cached build must still be in use. A delete cached docker build – Search pointed to the post on macos – Is there a way to clean docker build cache? – Stack Overflow. This is what I tried in my ignorance:

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker system df
Images          2         2         1.22GB    443.1MB (36%)
Containers      3         0         0B        0B
Local Volumes   0         0         0B        0B
Build Cache     9         0         776.9MB   776.9MB
user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker system df -v
Images space usage:

swesonga-jdk21-testapp   latest    682fedf54071   11 minutes ago   1.22GB    443.1MB       776.9MB       2
<none>                   <none>    4c068055cad5   26 minutes ago   443.1MB   443.1MB       0B            1

Containers space usage:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  LOCAL VOLUMES   SIZE      CREATED          STATUS    NAMES
c77b69082a8a   swesonga-jdk21-testapp   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   0               0B        6 minutes ago    Created   awesome_chatelet
58c723638dd2   swesonga-jdk21-testapp   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   0               0B        8 minutes ago    Created   sharp_lamport
4a3be55725b5   4c068055cad5             "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   0               0B        17 minutes ago   Created   lucid_tharp

Local Volumes space usage:


Build cache usage: 776.9MB

I tried pruning the build cache as suggested in that post.

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker builder prune --all
WARNING! This will remove all build cache. Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
ID                                              RECLAIMABLE     SIZE            LAST ACCESSED
te4o8rbj7s6nh6pluquzummzz                       true            0B              8 minutes ago
n2wbz4gf448fluw4uuogiqxdo*                      true    776.9MB         8 minutes ago
Total:  1.554GB

I realized that pruning wasn’t what I needed because now the cache was empty but the containers were still there based on the next output:

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker system df -v
Images space usage:

swesonga-jdk21-testapp   latest    682fedf54071   18 minutes ago   1.22GB    443.1MB       776.9MB       2
<none>                   <none>    4c068055cad5   33 minutes ago   443.1MB   443.1MB       0B            1

Containers space usage:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  LOCAL VOLUMES   SIZE      CREATED          STATUS    NAMES
c77b69082a8a   swesonga-jdk21-testapp   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   0               0B        13 minutes ago   Created   awesome_chatelet
58c723638dd2   swesonga-jdk21-testapp   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   0               0B        15 minutes ago   Created   sharp_lamport
4a3be55725b5   4c068055cad5             "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   0               0B        24 minutes ago   Created   lucid_tharp

Local Volumes space usage:


Build cache usage: 0B


I should have been using docker ps -a instead! The -a shows the existing containers (regardless of whether they are running).

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS    PORTS     NAMES
c77b69082a8a   682fedf54071   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   16 minutes ago   Created             awesome_chatelet
58c723638dd2   682fedf54071   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   18 minutes ago   Created             sharp_lamport
4a3be55725b5   4c068055cad5   "/home/<user>/swesonga/…"   27 minutes ago   Created             lucid_tharp

I started displaying the Dockerfile before building and one of the errors I ran into was because I hadn’t saved the Dockerfile. Sheesh.

cat Dockerfile
docker build -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp .
docker ps -a
docker run -i -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp

After all this experimentation, we can remove all the broken containers using docker container rm | Docker Docs to remove individual ones or docker container prune | Docker Docs to remove all stopped containers (use with caution)!

docker container prune

Collect Logs from the Container

I used CTRL+C to stop the container after some time. The next question was how to examine the files in the container. linux – Exploring Docker container’s file system – Stack Overflow suggests using docker container cp | Docker Docs. I opened another SSH session to the host running Docker then copied the logs from the container using these commands:

mkdir -p ~/swesonga/logs/tip/
cd ~/swesonga/logs/

docker ps -a

docker cp $CONTAINERID:/swesonga/factorize/java/project/src/main/java/org/swesonga/math/serialgc-jdk21.log ~/swesonga/logs/

docker cp $CONTAINERID:/swesonga/factorize/java/project/src/main/java/org/swesonga/math/pagesize-jdk21.log ~/swesonga/logs/

docker cp $CONTAINERID:/swesonga/factorize/java/project/src/main/java/org/swesonga/math/os-jdk21.log ~/swesonga/logs/

I switched back to the development box and used scp to get the log files back to it.

scp user@IPaddress:/home/<user>/swesonga/logs/*.log .

When gathering multiple rounds of logs, it is convenient to group them into separate folders. I used this command:

export CURRDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`; scp user@IPaddress:/home/<user>/swesonga/logs/*.log ./logs-$CURRDATE/

Setting Container Limits

To see the amount of RAM on the Docker host, run free -h since it’s an Ubuntu host. How do we set a RAM limit for a docker container? Docker – Setting Memory And CPU Limits points me to the --memory limit parameter of docker run | Docker Docs.

docker ps -a
docker run -i --memory 2GB -t swesonga-jdk21-testapp

Observe the head of the jdk21 GC log below. The total memory is now reported as 2048M. The maximum heap size is 25% of this total, as expected. The initial heap is 32MB and the minimum heap is 8MB.

[0.006s][info][gc,init] CardTable entry size: 512
[0.006s][debug][gc,heap] Minimum heap 8388608  Initial heap 33554432  Maximum heap 536870912
[0.006s][info ][gc     ] Using Serial
[0.006s][debug][gc,heap,coops] Protected page at the reserved heap base: 0x0000120000000000 / 2097152 bytes
[0.006s][debug][gc,heap,coops] Heap address: 0x0000120000200000, size: 512 MB, Compressed Oops mode: Non-zero disjoint base: 0x0000120000000000, Oop shift amount: 3
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Version: 21.0.5+11-LTS (release)
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] CPUs: 20 total, 20 available
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Memory: 2048M
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Large Page Support: Disabled
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] NUMA Support: Disabled
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Compressed Oops: Enabled (Non-zero disjoint base)
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Heap Min Capacity: 8M
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Heap Initial Capacity: 32M
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Heap Max Capacity: 512M
[0.007s][info ][gc,init      ] Pre-touch: Disabled

The number of CPUs can be set using the --cpus option.

cat Dockerfile
docker build -t swesonga-jdktip-testapp-2core .
docker ps -a
docker run -i --cpus 2 --memory 2GB -t swesonga-jdktip-testapp-2core

Viewing Container Stats

One of the questions I need to answer is how much memory is in use and how much is available in the container. A view available memory in a docker container – Google Search pointed me to How to Use the Resource Usage Docker Extension. Turns out docker stats is good enough for my needs right now.

user@machine:~/swesonga$ docker stats

CONTAINER ID   NAME                      CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT   MEM %     NET I/O     BLOCK I/O   PIDS
7f096bd5163d   condescending_goldstine   196.82%   26.03MiB / 2GiB     1.27%     806B / 0B   0B / 0B     13

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